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Upper Key Stage 2

Kites (year 5/6) - Miss J. Woskett and Miss D. Rickards

Kestrels (year 5/6) - Mrs S. Smith and Mrs S. Harris

Harriers (year 5/6) - Mr J. Merry

Merlins (year 5/6) - Miss A. Pickett and Mr S. Harris


Welcome to year 5 and 6. We will begin the Autumn Term by focusing on the book October, October by Katya Balen. We will concentrate on PSHE: relationships, overcoming challenges and accepting differences.

Our topic for the remainder of Autumn Term is ‘Traders and Raiders’. We will begin the topic with an exciting hook day, where children will develop their art skills to create charcoal sketches and clay sculptures to replicate Anglo-Saxon stone carvings. During the topic, we will focus on developing our skills, knowledge and understanding in History. We will learn about Anglo-Saxon invasions, settlements and kingdoms as well as the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor. We will also go on an exciting trip to the Dean Heritage Centre to learn more about our history topic.

We will use our Geography skills to locate counties and cities in the UK and use this knowledge to further understand where the Anglo-Saxons settled.

In English, we will write non-chronological reports about the Anglo-Saxons, write our own time-slip stories and write some short stories which could be shared around a campfire!

In Maths, we will focus on building and strengthening our knowledge of place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and geometry.

In Science, we will develop our knowledge and understanding of light and electricity. We will recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines and use this idea to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. In our electricity unit we will compare and give reasons for variations in how components function and we will use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram

In Computing, we will learn how networks work and how data travels across the internet. We will learn how to search safely and manage our online information, including our privacy and security. We will also learn about the importance of Copyright and Ownership.

You will not need to bring your PE kits to school but you can wear your PE kits on our PE days. Some PE will be outside so please make sure you’ll be warm enough.

Homework will be set at the start of the year on Seesaw. Children can upload any homework they complete on Seesaw or they can keep a record in their Reading Link book. Any homework children complete will be rewarded.

You can support us by listening to your child read regularly, helping them learn their times tables and practice their spelling. Children will receive a reward and raffle ticket each time they read at home (you can sign their link book or they could upload a photo/video to Seesaw). Children can become ‘Maths Champions’ and receive a special pencil when they know all the times tables and division facts up to 12x12 and are able to use them to solve a variety of problems. Homework is set at the start of the year and children will be rewarded for each piece they do.

We look forward to learning lots of new and interesting things this term!