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Key Stage 1

Otters (year 1) - Mrs F. Smith and Miss A. Slater

Rabbits (year 1) - Miss P. Sparkes

Squirrels (year 2) - Mrs S. Bennett and Mrs L. Jones

Hedgehogs (year 2) - Mrs V. Lewis

Welcome to Year 1 and 2! We are looking forward to an exciting and interesting Autumn Term.

Our topic for the Autumn Term is ‘People Who Changed Our World’. In this topic we will be learning about key people in history and how they have changed the world. This term, we will be having visitors to explain to the children the different roles that individuals play.

In History, we will be learning about the lives and achievements of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We will be using primary and secondary sources to find out when they lived, what their achievements were and why they were famous. We shall compare then and now and discuss how their achievements have made a significant difference to our own lives. Later in the term we will also be studying Edward Jenner to compare different periods of time and to learn about the achievements of a significant person within our own locality.

In Geography we will use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features. We will devise a simple map, construct basic symbols in a identify places on a map and create our own maps.

At the beginning of term, in PSHE we will focus on school rules and making good choices. The next part of PSHE will focus on the dynamics of healthy relationships. We will be thinking about what makes a good friends, how we treat our friends and how they treat us. We will discuss who takes care of us. how they take care of us and how we can take care of others. We will then look at the dynamics of our families. At the end of term we will be using lessons from the NSPCC Pants programme which focusses on children knowing their bodies belong to them and what is appropriate and what is not.

 In Music, we will be reading and listening to poems and songs inspired by Florence Nightingale. Throughout the term, the children will use their voices, create actions, learn symbols and perform.

In RE, the children will be learning about the Harvest Festival and learn why and how Christians celebrate.

In Outdoor PE this term, the children will experience a wide range of sports from Football to Basketball. The children will develop their skills of throwing, catching, tackling and defending. In Indoor PE, the children will explore body shapes and movements based on a range of children’s books and pieces of music.

You can support us by listening to your child read regularly and support them with their phonics. An R1 and a raffle ticket will be given each time your child reads at home. At the end of term, a raffle will be drawn and the winner will get a small prize. Please remember to sign children’s reading record to let us know they have read so they can earn their raffle tickets. As well as this you could watch Number blocks, play times table games, learn times table songs and practice reading and spelling the red words from their colour bookmark.

We look forward to learning lots of new and exciting things!