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At Forest View Primary School, we aim to provide children with a more hands-on and practical experience in Science. We recognise the importance of the subject being a part of everyday life and as one of the core subjects we are striving to give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it deserves. We encourage children to develop their own sense of curiosity and build on their enquiry skills towards the natural world. All children should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of Science. Most importantly, children should be developing their scientific skills by asking questions, developing hypothesis and observing phenomena within context that feels purposeful, exciting and inspiring.

What is our approach to Science?

The National Curriculum provides a structure and skill development for the Science curriculum to be taught throughout the school, which is linked to theme topics where possible. This provides a scheme of work which is creative, reflecting a balanced programme of study. Scientific skills are developed and nurtured through the five types of enquiry: observation over time, comparative and fair testing, identifying and classifying, pattern seeking and research. Children work scientifically to test their own hypotheses and learn practical science skills such as measuring, testing and recording. 

In Early Years, Science is taught through the children learning about the world around them through play.

In KS1 and KS2, we have a 2 year rolling programme, which are carefully scheduled so that children build on what has been taught before helping to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding on a deeper level. At Forest View, we provide experiences to learn outside of the classroom. This is through opportunities such as, educational visits, a range of wildlife organisations visiting the school to provide hands-on experiences and Forest Schools.

What does our approach to Science look like in the classroom?

  • In Early Years, scientific exploration is an integral part of the curriculum; links are made to other subjects so children can start to develop and apply their scientific skills.
  • Children are introduced to a wide range of vocabulary and are encouraged to use this beyond Science lessons.
  • Children are taught the concepts and procedures needed to work scientifically.
  • Children are encouraged to raise scientific questions, plan, prepare and execute their own investigations.
  • Lessons are often enquiry based, to encourage children to be curious and use their existing knowledge to solve problems.
  • Lessons are appropriately sequenced for children to develop their scientific knowledge and skills.
  • Pupils are provided with a range of activities including learning beyond the classroom.
  • Real-life experiences are developed through trips and visitors.

How do we measure success in Science?

  • Books and Seesaw show progress and independent work.
  • Pupil voice and children’s reflections on science teaching are also important indicators of progress.
  • Children will have increased confidence in using scientific language.
  • Staff voice and feedback ensures confidence in delivering lessons as well as support being given when needed.
  • Science learning walks ensure fidelity with the model.
  • Planning scrutiny and lesson observations to provide teachers with important feedback.