Dragonflies - Mrs S. Burke
Grasshoppers - Mrs K. Barrow
Welcome to EYFS at Forest View. We are looking forward to our spring term and our exciting topic Grand Design.
We will continue to use play based activities to explore and learn about space, rockets, bridges and castles. We will blast off to the moon and ensure we are having lots of fun on the way! Children will continue to focus on phonics and reading and build upon those skills developed in the autumn term. We will be writing starting our writing journey and communicating for a purpose. In maths we will be deepening our number knowledge of numbers 1-5 and moving beyond 5 to 10. We will also be continuing to develop our ‘fast eyes’ and our subitising skills.
PE kits need to be in school and P.E sessions will be on a Monday or Tuesday. Forest School sessions will pause for a few weeks and continue in the second half of the term. Please leave waterproof clothing in school as we will still be using our outdoor space!
Homework activities will continue throughout the spring term and we will continue to send home links and information on Seesaw as we move through the topic. Please continue to share homework activities and learning from home with us on Seesaw, we love to share these in class!
Please continue to support us by listening to your child read regularly and support them with their phonics. Shinnies are given each time your child reads at home. At the end of term, a raffle will be drawn and the winner will get a small prize. Please remember to sign children’s reading record to let us know they have read so they can earn their shinnies.
Also keep an eye out for our Phonics and maths workshops coming up this term! These will be interactive sessions with your child in the classroom.
All of the EYFS team are looking forward to the term ahead and thank you for your continued support.