Forest View aims to develop emotionally resilient students who have strategies to cope with the demands of school life and living in the wider world. We teach children how to be healthy, safe, have healthy relationships and to have an understanding of the world they live in. We embed the fundamental British values. We teach and celebrate tolerance, diversity and respect.
What is our approach to CPHSE?
Our CPHSE curriculum is based around three core themes of: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. The whole school scheme is based on the GHLL (Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning) resources.
We have a long term plan for our assemblies to ensure all aspects of CPHSE and SMSC are covered, including coverage of British Values and we integrate and address big themes in society relating to cultural history and dates of significance (e.g. Black History Month, Remembrance Sunday). Diversity and multi-cultures are celebrated; culture and self-identity is a key part of student’s understanding of themselves and others.
We have planned charity days and visitors to enhance our PHSE curriculum.
What does our approach to CPHSE look like in the classroom?
Weekly lessons are planned into the timetable using the GHLL resources.
Classes take part in the Daily Move.
Stories and books are used to focus on different themes.
Work on positive behaviour and behaviour for learning happens every day incidentally in classrooms.
Visits from the outside agencies are common in classrooms and assemblies (police, NSPCC, firefighters etc…).
Staff have the flexibility to introduce extra CPHSE sessions to address any emerging issues in classes.
How do we measure success in CPHSE?
Children understand how to lead a safe and happy life both in mind and body.
Through the year, children become more self-aware.
Children can articulate the reasons behind positive choices and have a toolkit for when things go wrong.
Emotionally healthy classrooms are created.
Students are happy and safe.