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Children at Forest View have access to a Music curriculum that promotes enjoyment from musical activities based upon the termly topic.

What is our approach to Music?

Our Music end points set out provisions for each year group. A sequential curriculum runs from EYFS to UKS2. Throughout the key stages the focus is on vocal skills and developing an understanding of music. During EYFS and Key Stage One, children learn to explore music and sounds through listening and replicating.  Moving into Key Stage Two, the children get more of an opportunity to play a percussion instrument, compose and use technology.

Singing assemblies take place weekly where the children learn popular songs as well as traditional assembly songs.  Each year, children have the opportunity to sing as part of a choir in ‘Voice in a Million’. Children also have opportunities to go into the community to share their performances.  Special performances are held throughout the year to showcase the children’s singing and learning, for example, Harvest assembly, Christmas performances and many more.

Next year, KS2 will get the opportunity to have music tuition to learn an instrument with Gloucestershire Music.

What does our approach to Music look like in the classroom?

Music is taught in relation to the topic with three/four high-quality lessons taught per half term.  Children have use of a range of percussion instruments across the school.  Our end points highlight our musical vocabulary developments through each key stage. External organisations such as Gloucestershire Music are used to provide high quality whole class lessons to children using specific instruments. A choir club allows children to explore their musical talent.

How do we measure success in Music?

Feedback from teachers and an opportunity to evaluate work, allows children to measure their own success in music. Children will begin to use language related to music and have an increased confidence in exploring their musical talent. High quality Christmas and end of year performances showcase the skills children have developed during the year. These performances are shared with parents in live performances and through online spaces.