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English (Reading)

Forest View strives to develop a passion for reading in children and a lifelong love of reading beyond the classroom.  We believe that children should read for pleasure. Texts are therefore chosen which will both challenge and interest the children. The school has been part of the Reading Teachers, Reading Pupils program. Through this staff are encouraged to read to their children daily. At the start of each term the children unwrap their class book for the term through playing pass the parcel. Clues to the title of the book are included between each layer. Class readers are chosen to excite and motivate the children and should be aimed at the highest ability children. These books are read to the children daily by the class teacher or TA.  

What is our approach to Reading?

The children at Forest View Primary School take part in daily, 25 minute high-quality phonics sessions each week. They are assessed regularly to check their progress. We teach phonics using the Ruth Miskin Literacy Programme ‘Read Write Inc.’  This programme teaches children to decode words phonetically by introducing them to different phonemes (sounds) step by step. The children begin with set 1 sounds and as they learn their sounds they also learn to blend them to read words. As the children progress they are introduced to more unfamiliar sounds and alternative spellings.  Children in Key Stage 2, who are still learning Phonics, use the RWI Fresh Start intervention. 

The school uses the Read, Write, Inc. (RWI) reading scheme. This links in with the schools RWI Phonics based lessons. Once the children are secure in phonics they move on to other reading schemes in the school. These include the Project X scheme (published by Oxford University Press). Project X Code is used as one of the schools reading interventions. Children develop fluent and confident decoding skills, as well as an understanding of what they are reading. The books that these children take home are directly related to the sound that they will be learning in school. Children will either take home a fiction or non-fiction book. They will keep this book for a number of days, they will be expected to read it each day and develop their fluency i.e. they read it three times. In order to develop their understanding, there are a couple of questions at the back of each book for adults at home to discuss with their child. 

The school has a range of reading interventions both formal and informal that staff can use with any child who may be working below age-related expectations (ARE), at risk of falling behind their peers or who show potential to achieve the higher greater depth standard.  Specific staff have been trained in delivering and running these programs with the children. 

What does our approach to Reading look like in the classroom?

  • The school expects all children to read from their own books and to be read to each day while in school.  

  • Reading is built in as part of all curriculum lessons. 

  • During English units children read and learn a text. 

  • Children are also expected to read and be read to at home with children being rewarded for doing this through a class raffle where a book can be won each term. 

  • Children in EYFS and KS1 take part in group reading sessions daily. In this session, two groups of children are listened to reading by an adult in class whilst the remainder of the class read for pleasure or complete reading based activities.   

  • Children in KS2 take part in a separate whole class 20 to 30 minute whole class reading session 3 times each week. In this session a challenging text, song, poem or other text/advert will be shared and analysed in depth with the class.  

  • Children will be taught how to read and interpret the text, focus on and learn new vocabulary and will have to answer a range of inference and deduction questions based on the content that will range in difficulty appropriate to their age.  

  • Children show evidence of implementing learning from reading lessons in their writing lessons. 

How do we measure success in Reading?

  • Outcomes at the end of each assessment window and end point. 

  • Children will be enthused about the texts they are studying and are keen to progress through the book. 

  • Children have a love of reading and read widely. 

  • Children can increasingly draw on their knowledge to broaden their understanding of the world around them. 

Useful Documents: