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Forest View Primary School is committed to teaching your children about e-safety. E-safety is a large part of our computing curriculum and we place high importance on this area of teaching and support for children and their families. Each year children take part in E-safety workshops with outside visitors. We also work with the local PCSOs and School Beat officers who deliver E-Safety lessons in school as part of a nationwide police initiative.

If you want to learn more about protecting your child whilst they use the internet then talk to your child's class teacher who will be happy to help and to discuss issues with you.

The school also has an e-safety team (linked to the school's safeguarding team) who support children who may be negatively affected by anything that they view online. Concerns about e-safety can also be discussed with your child's class teacher who will pass on the information to the most relevant member of staff. We encourage all children and their families to report any e-safety incident which may negatively affect them to the school e-safety team regardless of where this has taken place.

Please find some links below which will help you to find out more about keeping your child safe online.

Two Factor Authentication
PEGI Ratings
Take Control
Further information at parents.

O2 and NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5002