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We have adopted an ambitious Computing curriculum to ensure pupils from EYFS to end of KS2 experience and practise varied forms of computational thinking and digital literacy. We value the use of technology to teach logical thinking and as a tool to enhance all other areas of learning. Pupils are given the opportunity for a diverse and relevant Computing curriculum. Pupils have the opportunity to use many forms of hardware (iPads, laptops, MicroBits, SAMLabs equipment, Probots, Beebots etc) to develop their understanding of the digital world.

We have a duty to ensure all pupils feel confident to use technology responsibly: e-safety is taught regularly in stand-alone lessons and in CPSHE and we work with parents to build a community of respectful internet-users. The e-safety team, which is made up of staff, governors and pupils, monitor this.

What is our approach to Computing?

Our Computing curriculum has three strands (Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital Literacy) which enable pupils to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Through a variety of unplugged and hands on activities pupil learn the principles of Computer Science and develop the skills to create their own applications. We want our pupils to create meaningful projects throughout their time and have ownership over what they create. Within Information Technology we ensure all pupils have a secure understanding of the types of systems that they interact with daily and feel confident understanding the world around them. Developing perseverance to establish a positive culture around mistakes to support debugging is central to our approach to coding. All pupils are given the opportunity to practice their Digital Literacy through cross-curricular work and explicit teaching of key skills. For example: word processing, spreadsheets, creating images and publishing.

What does our approach to Computing look like in the classroom?

  • Weekly Computing lessons are planned into the timetable.
  • Weekly Online Safety lessons are planned into the timetable using the UKCCIS Education for a Connected World framework.
  • Pupils are encouraged to practice touch typing regularly to develop their digital literacy.
  • Staff have the flexibility to introduce extra Computing and Online Safety sessions to address any emerging issues in classes.
  • Teachers embed cross-curricular publishing across their other subjects.

How do we measure success in Computing?

  • Children know how to stay safe online
  • Children will be able to utilise software to develop technological skills and problem-solving.
  • Some lessons will result in a task recorded on Seesaw and some lessons will result in a task saved on the school network which teachers can access and provide feedback.
  • Children will be able use a range of technology to enhance their learning in other subjects.