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About Us

'To improve the academic outcomes of children within the community of Cinderford so that they may contribute to the improvement of this rural town.'

At Forest View we put children first. We believe that it is important to value each individual within the school community and to celebrate their achievements. We have high expectations of ourselves and others. We value the gift of learning and recognise that we all have the right to succeed.

We value the role of the school within the community and work in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community to ensure that children are able to:

  • enjoy school and want to learn;
  • become independent learners;
  • attain the highest academic standards;
  • develop skills and knowledge needed to develop individual talents, be they creative, scientific, technological, spiritual, sporting or social;
  • understand their own feelings and begin to make life decisions that reflect their increasing confidence;
  • understand how to lead a safe and healthy life both in mind and body; and
  • understand that everyone has equal rights to access opportunities.

Overall we want to improve the academic outcomes of children within the community of Cinderford so that they may contribute to the improvement of their area in the future. The school does this by offering a range of Adaptive Teaching techniques and Growth Mindset practices which help the school to provide an equitable learning experience for all children that enables everyone to be successful.

Forest View's curriculum has been built around the school's local community and meets the requirements of the national curriculum. Whole school topics provide children with purposeful learning activities which are designed to excite and engage children in their learning. The school upholds the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those from different beliefs and faiths through all that it does and teaches children to respect each other.

The school also promotes and awards our own values which are: honesty, tolerance, cooperation, kindness, invention, courage and resilience. By promoting these key values the school wants every child to leave us fully prepared for their next stage in education and to have the skills to tackle any problem that they may face through life.

In 2013 the school converted to academy status which means that the school is no longer under local authority control. Academy status allows the school to have certain freedoms with regards to the curriculum that we offer and finances to the benefit of all pupils at the school.

School Timetable




Registration (Doors open from 8.35am)

8.45 - 9.00

8.45 - 9.00

Session 1

9.00 - 9.55

9.00 - 10.20


9.55 – 10.10

10.20 – 10.35


10.15 – 10.35

10.40 – 11.00

Session 2

10.40 – 12.00

11.00 – 12.00 (12.30 for y5/6)


12.15 – 1.00

12.00 – 12.45 (Y3/4), 12.30 -1.15 (y5/6)


1.00 – 1.05

12.45 (Y3/4), 1.15 (Y5/6)

Session 3

1.05 - 2.05

12.45/1.15 - 1.50/2.15

Play (Y3/4 and infants only)

2.05 - 2.20


Session 4

2.15 - 3.15

2.00/2.15 - 3.15

The school provides 6.5 hours of formal contact time each day which equates to 32.5 hours each week.